Get Involved

We so.. love Prayer Warriors!

We are looking for people who love to pray.. those who understand that the fervent prayer of the righteous avail much and that without prayer we can't do what we do. Because of your prayers, people are saved, healed and delivered, in many cases, from years of torment. Families are restored and marriages healed. If this is your call, please let us know that God's put it on your heart and we can count on you. We would love to form a partnership with you and communicate our needs and activities with you directly. We also invite you to believe with us for healthy, growing churches and a transformed society around the globe.

Your Financial Seed Multiplied!

Scripture tells us that whatsoever we sow, that we shall reap. We have seen a special type of blessing on marriages, children and businesses when families commit to supporting our work. We also believe that nothing is more exciting for believers than to see the impact of their financial seed in the life of communities and nations and to know that even when you can't go, you can play an active role in kingdom work.

Missions Opportunities

We have short term and long term missionary opportunities available. We need people who love Jesus to be His hands and feet overseas. If you sense Him tugging on your heart, talk to us. Perhaps you don't feel like you have what it takes, but you do! We are looking for people to work with children in Christian schools, to disciple believers, to help in the churches and to work with us to build children's centers.