Our Golokwara Children's Ctr 

Our Golokwara Children's Center and Christian Academy for Excellence in Education, Leadership, and Community Impact

Our Children's Center in Golokwara, Uganda is now under construction. It will be a top notch facility where our staff will raise movers and shakers for a new day in Uganda. Our dream is to raise a generation for God free from a religious mindset, without the oppression of poverty, violence, and injustice- full of Holy Spirit and in love with Jesus. These children will become church planters, pastors, evangelists, lawyers, doctors and politicians, as led by the Lord. They will form the leadership to usher in a new day for Uganda. Total orphans who once had to fend for themselves on the street will live transformed lives receiving the love, care, nurture and schooling needed to be succesful in life. They will learn valuable vocational skills, business development, and leadership training, as well as a fully rounded curiculum in the arts, sciences, literature and Bible. The long range plan for the center is that it will be a source of enrichment and economic development for the community by introducing the arts and business development. The center will become self-sustaining through small business ventures, agriculture and animal husbandry. 

Aides, insurgencies and terrorism have left over 2 million children orphans in Uganda. Many of them are left to fend for themselves with disastrous results. These children are targeted for child slavery, sex trafficking and for recruitment into child armies. It is urgent that they be rescued from the street. We are working with child safety officers and other government agencies in Uganda to identify and help the most vulnerable. 

Our goal is to raise house parents who will provide care and nurture in top notch homes on our property. They will employ the highest standards of excellence in diet, hygiene and education. But, the primary focus of our center will be worship, bible, ministry and leadership training, and daily soaking in Holy Spirit. Children are very receptive to the Lord and when raised in the right environment they respond beautifully to His call on their lives. 

We believe that not only will our center help meet the needs of 100's of kids, but will be part of the answer to the prayer that Jesus told us to pray, "Pray that the Lord of harvest send workers into the harvest fields." From the outback of Uganda God will raise mighty men and women of God who will usher in a new era in the nation and beyond. "Lift up your eyes, for the fields are ripe unto harvest!" 

There's a place for you in this amazing project! You can join us as a prayer partner, donor, administrative assistant.. or who knows? Maybe God will send you, too, to be a missionary and parent to world changers in E. Africa!! Call or write us to share what He's put on your heart. Write: mark@markandalmapedersonministries.com 

Ministering to an Alive Spirit

This boy is the youngest member of the worship team in his church in Kenya. We have found that the spirit of a child is very receptive to Holy Spirit. Like adults, children need healing and the baptism in the Holy Spirit, as well as, instruction in the Word. Our goal is to train teachers and children's workers in the highest standards of excellence, care and compassion and to teach them how to minister the baptism in Holy Spirit to children.  

Love, nurture and Jesus

We believe that God has asked us to partner with Him in creating loving, nurturing, Spirit-Filled homes. Orphan children respond quickly to the love of committed house parents and the voice of the Lord in their lives. Our goal is to take in 100 children and to raise them in 1) A culture of love, honor and respect  2) Excellence in education, moral and ethical code and hygiene. 3) Passion for reaching the lost and extending the Kingdom of God 4) A lifestyle of worship and being Spirit-Filled. 

In Answer to their Prayer

We can't do it alone! Children are praying, hoping, believing that God will send people like you to help.  We need missionaries who will commit to both short-term and long-term trips, to be the hands and feet of Jesus for these precious little ones. We need those who will pray and give so that the dream can be fulfilled. We are looking for the right match, those called to this work. He's already called many. Perhaps you will be next. Hear their cry..  hear their prayer.. believe with us for the dream to be fulfilled.